Divorced and Intact | Who I am
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Who I am

Who I am?

I am a family law attorney and divorce mediator in private practice and a volunteer in the Family Law Unit’s mediation group at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG).


Prior to starting my family law practice, I worked in social justice movements. Most recently, as the Chief Communications Officer at GEMS (the Girls Educational and Mentoring Services), I advocated for New York City born girls and young women locked in the abusive and exploitative relationships that are the underpinning of the commercial sex industry. I’ve also worked in academia researching and presenting on how social change happens, as the Associate Director of the Center for Institutional and Social Change (CISC) at Columbia Law School and the Assistant Director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) at Columbia University.


I started my legal career in litigation at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, and served as a law clerk in Brooklyn to Federal Judge Frederic Block of the Eastern District of New York.


I graduated at the top of my class from the University of Pennsylvania Law School where I was an editor of the Law Review, and from Brandeis University where I was a commencement speaker and inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in my junior year.


I grew up in Chicago in the far north neighborhood of West Rogers Park. Now I live in Greenpoint, the far north neighborhood of Brooklyn.